What People Have Said

Hear what some of our clients have said about the services we provided them at Peter Grandich and Company.

Dr. Don Miller – Shelby, North Carolina

I first heard Peter on Relevant Radio and it was immediately clear his message was very different from conventional financial advisors and the mainstream media. 

Peter spoke truth about finance, debt, consumerism and the investment industry to the detriment of his business so I was immediately intrigued.  He has the rare commodity of real wisdom, financial and otherwise, rooted in both his faith and decades of experience.  I have been personally blessed by Peter’s faithfulness to the vocation God has called him to for the latter part of his career and that is to help people by speaking truth about finance and money matters in a biblical/Christian framework.  It’s not what people want to hear and it’s also what we need to hear if we want to be on solid ground as individuals and as a nation.

Shortly after meeting Peter I had the pleasure of connecting with Dave Suckey and have been working with both of them as my most trusted financial advisors ever since.  If you want to deal with real people who are authentic in their desire to help others in matters of finance, they are among the most talented and trustworthy people I have worked with in my 30+ year career.  Good people, wise people and men who have built their business and more importantly their lives with integrity on a solid foundation of faith in God.

D.M. Henderson – NV

Peter Grandich is a one-of-kind gem in how he conducts his personal and professional life. I truly feel blessed to have known Peter for the past three years and wished that I had met him sooner. His passion to help others personally, spiritually, and financially manifests itself daily in his words and actions. His many years of wisdom, research, and integrity is rooted in his financial observations that has not only significantly improved my financial well-being, but has also proven to be so unique and refreshing to his industry that I would not recommend anyone else other than Peter Grandich and his company.  Thank you, Peter. 

R.F. – Monmouth Beach, NJ

Peter and Dave … Listened. Were patient and honest. Asked questions to get to know our situation and desires. Expressed what I NEEDED to HEAR not always what I WANTED to HEAR. Really thankful to work with folks that are knowledgeable and thinking about me and not just what they can make off of doing business with me. Christina, who is part of the team, is also superb. Really enjoy working with these folks!

R.S. – Greenwell Springs, LA

People of integrity are hard to find, especially in finance business. Thank you, Peter and David, for being advisors that I can trust who provide accurate direction and unique wisdom. You have been a most valuable help with monetary decisions that have brought benefits to me and my family. God Bless you for your honesty and professional approach to finance and wealth management.

G.D. – Colts Neck, NJ

I am very grateful for the financial advising services of Dave Suckey and Peter Grandich. Their approach includes wealth preservation, income and taking advantage of market fluctuations. Their confidence in this approach is shown by taking the time to educate you with zero pressure to adopt it.  

B.S. – Chicago, IL

Pete and Dave are great people who truly care about me as their client. They’re always there to answer questions and guide me financially while at the same time letting me know they care about me as a person, not just another client.

T.W. – Point Pleasant NJ

As far as I am concerned, Peter and Dave are committed to serving the person, treating the individual, making sure their loved ones, as well as the client themselves, are taken care of, physically, spiritually and financially. I love these guys and pray that God will continue to bless them with the excellence they have shown to me and my family. 

Peter Bower, DMD

Wants & Needs are as different as a leaf on a tree. I may want a new car, but I need oxygen, and being in my late 60’s, Peter & Dave are a breath of fresh air securing my investment security wants & needs.

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda means can’t make a decision and by placing one’s head in the sand, what’s exposed? Peter and Dave’s team with much patience’s laid out the popcorn trail that even a guy like me could follow. God bless your team.

No matter what I purchased, I will eek out every nickel’s worth of value. It’s in my DNA to be fiscally cautious and many times it leaves me to indecision. Then I found Peter & Dave. TOUCHDOWN! I won life’s lotter. . . Again. Sorry, guys, but your 2nd to GOD in life’s lottery.

Tom Schoendienst  – Camino Cantera Vista, CA

I would say that Dave and Peter gave us the most precious commodity available, their time. Gina and I are very thankful to them for helping sort out our financial dilemmas with a practical solution for a small-time investor.   

Andrew Sangataldo – Medford, NJ

It is a pleasure to work with Dave and Peter. They handle all of my financial planning and are the kind of people that you can trust to make the decisions that are best for my family’s financial well-being.

F.D. – Howell, NJ

Peter Grandich and Trinity Financial are intelligent and trustworthy advisors. They do their homework daily in these uncertain and constantly changing times. Consummate and diligent professionals, they help to guide you towards your financial goals with care and explanations that are easy to understand.             

J.K. – Freehold, NJ

Excellent service and very trustworthy.

M.B. – Millstone Township, NJ

Peter Grandich is an amazing individual with so many incredible talents. I believe he underestimates himself when you first meet him. His financial mind is amazing and his calm, cool, compassionate approach to life and business is both intriguing and uplifting. His knowledge of the thought process of people and his most sincere application of his faith to everyday life is extraordinary to say the least. He is the one person leaving you wanting to know more! I also admire the relationship he has with his wife and family. 

A.M. – Eatontown, NJ

Besides being an all-around great guy, Peter has allowed me to sleep good at night with the financial plan he has set up for me. I highly recommend you use him.  

M.W. – Point Pleasant, NJ

Peter Grandich has a special gift. He not only brings people from different walks of life together, but he makes them part of his family. Business or Personal, he is the bond that ties.

E.L. – Philadelphia, PA

I have known Mr. Grandich for over 30 years. He has been a financial adviser, business partner and friend during that time. No one is more knowledgeable about financial matters than Peter. His biggest and best attribute is his devotion to charity. To list the endeavors Peter is and has been involved in would require a book not one post on Facebook. He always tells it like it is unlike the talking heads you hear on TV and other media. If you have any thoughts on working with Peter, don’t hesitate. You are working with one fine honest and capable man.

S.S. – Manalapan, NJ

Peter unashamedly bases his financial advice on solid Biblical principles. Peter’s life experiences have given him the insight to provide a unique perspective on the emotional side of money management. His priorities are God first, Family and Friends second, Money third. I am blessed to have him as a trusted advisor and friend.

J.G. – Old Bridge, NJ

Peter and Dave are a great team, with many years of experience. I would highly recommend them to all of my friend and colleagues.

J.B. – Matawan, NJ

I don’t often write you, but wanted you to know your advise over the years has been incredibly helpful. I am a live chicken today thanks to you (even though I may have mumbled to myself a few times over the years about so called missed opportunities). As a fellow believer in Jesus Christ, your use of God’s word helps to keep me focused on Him instead of the crazy news media. Please keep up the good work & may God bless you and your family!!

D.C. – Louisiana

Peter, thank you for all you do for so many. I listened to you first on Relevant Radio. Followed your advice. I’m thankful for that and your Catholic views. God bless you. 


Thanks for the morning podcast. “Net worth is for the heirs , cash flow is for you.” I have been saying that for years. Hearing it from you, someone I respect and admire, meant a lot. Thank you.


Peter, I have followed you for years through thick and thin. In my judgment, you are the most resourceful and insightful market “guru” of the whole bunch. Nobody can touch you by a mile. No reply needed.

J.R. – Calgary, AB

Just a wee note of appreciation for your years of generous insight into things spiritual and economic. I have been following you since the ROB TV days and have listened when you have called the market tops and bottoms. I find your twitter feed shares an insight into your thought process which to me is invaluable. We spoke by phone once when I donated to the John Feal Foundation. Your advice to take my loaf of bread “one slice at a time” has stayed with me. I told you that I had made and lost 750000 in the last Uranium boom and your advice to not let it happen again is hopefully not lost. You have changed my outlook on tithing especially. Thank you from this sinner, amateur speculator( gambler) Catholic, depression survivor, alcoholic 16 years into recovery April 21. God bless you and your family.

Peter, you need to know that your ministry is reaching thousands of people like me who in turn are more confident in sharing their beliefs with others. I have talked about the importance of tithing with my children and have been more confident in sharing my beliefs with co-workers. This is TOTALLY because of your ministry. You are making a difference.

K.S. – Medicine Hat, AB

Peter Grandich and his team have been fantastic for my wife and I as we plan financially for our future. They’ve always been available to answer any and all questions we’ve had and made us feel very comfortable. Extremely trustworthy and someone I’d recommend to everyone.

T.W. – Pt. Pleasant, NJ

Besides being an all-around great guy Peter has allowed me to sleep good at night with the financial plan he has set up for me. I highly recommend you use him.

M.W. – Pt. Pleasant, NJ

Peter unashamedly bases his financial advice on solid biblical principles. Peter’s life experiences have given him the insight to provide a unique perspective on the emotional side of money management. His priorities are God first, Family and Friends second, Money third. I am blessed to have him as a trusted advisor and friend.

J.G. – Old Bridge, NJ

Peter is straightforward, honest, and trustworthy. His opinions and predictions are spot on . There is no second thinking or second guessing. He backs his statements up with facts and experience and that gives all who do business with Peter a sense of relief and confidence – especially in these uncertain times. Highly recommend!!

J.B. M. – Freehold, NJ

Excellent service and very trustworthy.

M.B. – Millstone Township, NJ

Peter Grandich and Company are intelligent and trustworthy advisors. They do their homework daily in these uncertain and constantly changing times. Consummate and diligent professionals, they help to guide you towards your financial goals with care and explanations that are easy to understand, which comes with many years of investment and stock market experience. Great people and highly recommended!

J.K. – Freehold, NJ

When it comes to Finance and questions about the economy, I have found no better source than Peter Grandich. Straight to the point, honest and dependable, Peter has been “on the money” whenever I have sought his advice. I’d recommend anyone take the time to chat with Peter and see how his team can help you.

G.D. – Colts Neck, NJ

Peter Grandich is an amazing individual with so many incredible talents. I believe he underestimates himself when you first meet him. His financial mind is amazing and his calm, cool, compassionate approach to life and business is both intriguing and uplifting. His knowledge of the thought process of people and his most sincere application of his faith to everyday life is extraordinary to say the least. He is the one person leaving you wanting to know more! I also admire the relationship he has with his wife and family.

A.W. – Eatontown, NJ

Peter Grandich has a special gift. He not only brings people from different walks of life together but he makes them part of his family. Business or Personal he is the bond that ties.

E.L. – Philadelphia, PA

I have known Mr. Grandich for over 30 years. He has been a financial adviser, business partner, and friend during that time. No one is more knowledgeable about financial matters than Peter. His biggest and best attribute is his devotion to charity. To list the endeavors Peter is and has been involved in would require a book not one post on Facebook. He always tells it like it is unlike the talking heads you hear on TV and other media. If you have any thoughts on working with Peter don’t hesitate you are working with one fine honest and capable man.

S.S. – Manalapan, NJ

Peter is an amazing human being that truly takes his clients’ best interests at heart. Peter holds a significant amount of honesty and integrity that we, unfortunately, do not see much of in the world today. When I first met Peter, I was a cancer survivor getting ready to start my journey in college and considered chasing Finance as my major. Peter sat down with me and answered every single question I had and made me feel as though I was more than just another client. When you go to Peter for financial advising, you will get the same response. Peter takes his job to heart and wants the best for everyone he helps. I only hope that one day I can be half the man Peter Grandich is. I would definitely recommend him to everyone I know.   

C.N. – Toms River, NJ

I have known Peter Grandich for all of my adult life, and I have found him to be knowledgeable in matters of finance and he is a good source of information when the markets seemed confusing. Through regular discussions, I’m confident Peter and Dave have our best interests in mind, ensuring that we have money to do what we need and want today, while also keeping an eye out for future needs and retirement. They are both knowledgeable and worthy of our trust.

C.L. – Millstone Township, NJ

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Peter many years. He has provided our family with sound financial advice.  This has been done with comprehensive knowledge, integrity, professionalism and humility. Most importantly, I feel comfortable and confident in listening to his advice with our family’s money due to his trustworthiness.  I would recommend Peter to anyone without reservation.” 

R.Y. – Fredericks, MD

Wanted to let you know that I finally sold my position in TGZ that I initially got into around $3 CDN based on your recommendation (and my own DD of course!). A large part of the position was held in our kids education fund and they are now well on their way to a debt free future once they reach university age. A huge thank you to you and the fantastic work you do!

Listening to your podcast today, I just want to further thank you for sharing your thoughts with us in such a calm and reflected manner, even though you have every reason to be upset with yet another disappointing management team in the junior resource sector. I hold a position in VSR (and have added more on this recent selloff) and I support your thoughts and actions. I truly hope you will continue to keep us informed on the direction that you take.

L.S. – Toronto, Canada

I have followed you for about 20 years from the Letter to your current blog. I am so grateful to you for your time and honesty. I am richer financially and much better off from a Catholic Christian perspective from your leadership.

May God continue to bless you and your family.

I.A. – Victoria, B.C.

Mr. Grandich, I learned of you from the Drew Mariani Show. I have been struggling with money all my life. I never learned how to manage my money. I finally learned to live below my means and to get out of debt. I’m still doing that and I will be for quite some time (student loans are the predatory lenders of the middle class). Your book really spoke to me. I have much needed clarity on my financial plan. I HAVE A FINANCIAL PLAN! Thanks to you I realized we don’t “need” a bigger house. I don’t “need” to retire. So I thank you for sharing your experiences. You’ve done a great service to me.

D.S. – USA

I have read Peter’s writings on and off since the mid-ninetys. I think mostly on Kitco if I remember right. I am 71, wife is 70 and married 48 years. I am a Vietnam vet, my wife, a Marine in the Vietnam era. We have 3 living daughters, 8 grandchildren and 7 great grands. We are believers in the Lord God and his precious Son Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit. We want to save what He has allowed us to have and prosper, not just for us but others as well who haven’t prepared.

J.H. – Benton, PA

I have been following you for almost 20 years. I remember watching you on BNN with Jim O’Connell so many years ago. I appreciate your honesty and integrity. Until about 10 years ago, I was never a religious person. Following you has helped me understand the importance of believing. I now pray and or thank Jesus every day.

I thank you for the guidance you’ve given me in the markets all these years but more importantly guidance to realize there’s more to life than the markets and money.

T.A. – Vancouver, Canada 

I have been following your blog for… 15 years now? You are such a blessing to so many people, and I can’t thank you enough for putting yourself out there, laying yourself on the line selflessly just to be criticized by the haters. I know you have made mistakes, as we all have, but I am really grateful for what you have given to your followers.

B.W. Washington, D.C

I know you are a busy person, and I don’t mean to take up your time, but thank you very much for your heartfelt message this morning.

As a fellow Catholic, a faithful husband, and a father to three young children, your message really spoke to me this morning about what is most important in this life. As your said, “Two wrongs do not make a right”, and I have heard that enough times from my own mother that I can’t believe I had forgotten it! And though not easy to admit, your message of faith shined a light directly on that part of me that was happy about yesterday’s events and I felt ashamed, but thankful for a positive message in a sea of negativity, helping to keep me moving in the right direction, towards Jesus and the ultimate prize, making it to heaven and helping as many people as we can along the way.

I am not good with words, but thank you again for everything you do and for not being afraid to express your faith in God. Your messages have an impact on people more than you may know. May God continue to bless you and your family and continue to give you the strength to do what is right, especially at times when it’s the most difficult.

J.H. – Cincinnati, OH

I am a 20-year-old university student up in the city of Toronto, Canada. When I first listened to you in your first interview on Kitco, I was moved by the way you contrasted market conditions now versus those in the 1980s. I have to emphasize the impact you’ve made on my career and my investment philosophy. Your comments about the gold market sentiment during its (relatively) brief dip have not only come true but have provided a great lesson on investor psychology that I never could have received simply looking at news headlines. Moreover, your experience with working with management and emphasis on cash flow over wealth will change the course of my and my father’s retirement – I thank you for that.

Unlike my Gen Z cohorts, I am not a bitcoiner, nor will I ever be. I much more prefer gold and other materials (uranium) that have solid fundamentals. They have been performing wonderfully.

I must comment and add value to the uranium market conversation. After hearing about the story on Eric Townsend’s Macrovoices podcast, I decided to pitch the company to the investment group we have at my university. Dr. Grant Isaac, Cameco’s CFO, came to Ryerson and held a small informal Zoom session at the request of our dean. One of the most important pieces he had to say about the uranium market is when the spot price is low, there is a perception among utilities that there is an abundance of supply. When the spot price is high, there is a perception among utilities that there is an extreme scarcity of supply. Therefore, the uranium contracting market is truly a “buy high, sell low” market. While I did secure some Cameco shares at $12, it is likely that the spot price upward movement will be explosive and all uranium-related equities will be moving much higher.

I want to thank you for your consistency in provide market updates as you see it and for giving a perspective I’m not getting from colleagues, friends, and family. Hope you’re well, and God bless.

Eric – Canada

First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for sharing your wisdom and your faith through Twitter. I for one was not really a believer, but in May this year, I hit rock bottom and was ready to “pull the plug.” But God intervened heavily, and I turned my life around and found my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your tweets were one of the reasons why, and that’s why I’m writing you today, to let you know how deeply grateful I am to have stumbled upon you in this big social media world. So from the bottom of my heart: Thank you Sir and thank you Lord. I will be forever grateful.

I hope you don’t mind me sharing this with you, but I had the urge to do so this minute.

D.G. – Germany

I want to let you know that as a grateful follower of yours on Relevant Radio and Twitter/Blog, I donated what I could to Go Fund Me for Angel, just as I have answered requests from you to donate to Allaire and others. I share this not seeking praise, but to let you know that although my family lives on a modest income, we are happy to give what we can.

I have emailed you before, but this is worth repeating. I began investing in Uranium and Precious Metals because of you and continue to invest in some of Michael Gentile’s Projects. Even though I still hold Vanstar (praying for a miracle!), I believe these investments will provide future security for my family. Thank you so much for continuing to share your investments with all of us. You have no idea how helpful this is for me!

Moreover, you have become a model of a faithful Catholic man, husband and father for me. I love that you carry your faith fearlessly into the public square. You have shown me how a real man carries the message of Christ to the outside world. I thank you for this more than anything else.

God Bless!

M.H. – USA

Hello Peter, I have never written to you before but I feel compelled to. I am 58 years old and live in Saskatchewan, Canada. I just retired as a financial advisor at the end of December. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy listening to your interviews and your point of view – I believe you are bang on with your assessment of the financial markets, the inexperience of current financial planners (in Canada many are being forced to use passive investment strategies now and just focus on planning versus choosing investments for their clients) and really the overall state of the political situation in both Canada and the US. I was mortified when the Canadian government recently began to force banks to freeze the bank accounts of anyone associated with the trucker/Covid protest in Ottawa and other cities without even having to apply to obtain court orders to do so. That is a scary situation, almost martial law to break up peaceful protest. We are in very dangerous times. I am originally of Ukrainian decent and my heart is breaking for the people of Ukraine. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are one of the most genuine and kind people that I know, even though we have never met in person. I wish you and your family all the best and perhaps one day we will meet. I would very much look forward to that. Kindest regards, all the best and keep up the good work. The easiest thing to do in this world is follow the crowd. The hardest is to do what’s right, even if it feels like no one is with you. I hope you receive my message care, take care.

D.L. – Canada

Thank you for your wonderful faith filled emails! I appreciate you, and we all need the light you bring to the world. You are a strong man with strong faith who is also strong and courageous enough to share the hard times you have been through, and it means more (to me and others) than you know. You are a brilliant example to many people here and I thank you.

A.S. – Alexandria, Virginia

Over time, I have been an avid follower of your blogs, posts, interviews, and other works with immense interest. I have found them to be very perceptive and topics that I deeply care about and have gained some valuable knowledge along the way. Given our shared age bracket, we seem to possess similar perspectives and observe occurrences unfolding right before our eyes. With our Christian Faith, we have the confidence that, regardless of the circumstances, we will be OK and out of harm’s way in the long run.

R.K. – Phoenix, Arizona

Peter, I just listened to your call on Arizona Metals. Thank you so much for calling the balls and strikes. You don’t know how refreshing it is to your followers (the Pete groupies), to hear you lay it all out there. We value your knowledge, experience and honesty. We aren’t fans of yours because you sugar-coat things. We’re fans of yours because of your straight shooting and integrity. Of course, we understand that you may get things wrong here and there. There was only One that walked this earth, that was perfect. And we know what happened to Him. God bless you and and Mary as you sojourn together down this road of life.

Young’s Literal Translation, Proverbs 18:22
“Whoso hath found a wife hath found good, And bringeth out good-will from Jehovah.”

The older I get, the more I appreciate my with Sara. We’ve been married about 43 years now. I pray that The Lord continue to bless the socks off you, Mary and your whole family.

B.N. – Evansville, IN

I am not a newsletter subscriber nor part of your planning group. However, I have followed your YouTube channel for a number of years. Though I am not a religious person and don’t have any particular faith, like you, I reacted negatively to the White House’s intentional disrespect of the Easter holiday. In fact, normally I am not willing listen to people that are as dedicated to their faith to the degree that you are. However, you gracefully display your faith without having it become pushy or overbearing in your financial teachings. What strikes me most about you is that you are the “real deal.” I am impressed by your humbleness, kindness and dedication to forgiveness. You are a fine example of what in my mind, it should mean to be a Christian. I find myself “hating” quite a bit these days. I hope to be able to follow your example and stop hating, and maybe even find forgiveness someday. I follow your YouTube channel because I am invested in the miner sector. As we both know, it has been brutal for many years. Your truthful, from the heart, no nonsense approach, combined with your vast experience in markets has aided me in “keeping the faith” in my mining stocks. Also, so many people and financial commentators have been indoctrinated into the bitcoin “cult.” Thank you for seeing through this con. Your commentary on markets and metals is rock solid and sincere. Please keep sharing with all of us out here, and let me say a warm Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

P.S. – I grew up in North Jersey and my father was a successful stock broker who lived in Bergen County until his death in 2015. I inherited money that I now manage… I started following markets in 2009. It has been quite the education learning about the true state of our economy, the FED and markets. If my father was alive today, I am sure he would think I was out of my mind based on my views on markets.

F.D. – USA

Follower of yours for last couple years. First heard of you via Kitco then Liberty and Finance. I believe this election is our last reprieve from divine judgement against our nation to get our spiritual house in order. He’s shown us via Trump’s miraculous assassination survival that he is with this cause. I am heavily long via gold bullion (half of which I inherited), GDX/J, and now Jr miners. This correction is painful but what a blessing to see what Trump is already doing for our country (and the world). People everywhere are encouraged. I too am a long-time sufferer of depression, anxiety, and panic. You have been a blessing to me, your faith has encouraged me to stay close to the Lord, whether the juniors 10x or not!! Your bluntness and honesty about your faith (and hx of depression) is having an impact!! Thanks for all you do.

D.P. – Springfield, OH

Super Bowl Champion David Tyree with Kevin Williams, Shore Sports Network

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Drew Mariani, Radio Host on Relevant Radio

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Drew Mariani, Radio Host on Relevant Radio

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Drew Mariani, Radio Host on Relevant Radio

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Ed Morrissey, Radio Host on HotAir.com and Relevant Radio

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Drew Mariani shares what a listener of Relevant Radio said about Peter Grandich