Suggested Readings

Peter Grandich

Confessions of a Former Wall Street Whiz Kid

“Confessions of a Former Wall Street Whiz Kid” is a thought-provoking, real-life story of the ups and downs and ups again of one of Wall Street’s “half-famous” financial geniuses, Peter Grandich. In this updated fourth and final edition of his witty and painfully-honest autobiography, Grandich shares his thoughts about the accumulation of wealth and the hidden flaws of traditional financial planning. He exposes some of the dirty business of Wall Street and takes readers on a journey through his battles against panic attacks, suicide attempts and depression, and he shares how his faith not only helped him regain the will to live, but acts as the foundation for his financial beliefs. Read the book.

A Biblical Perspective on Matters of Finance

The Bible contains over 700 direct references about money, including the majority of the Parables, and one out of every six verses in the Gospels concerns itself with the right and wrong use of material possessions. It clearly states that spirituality goes hand-in-hand with matters of money. It teaches us that God is our only true provider and to honor Him by being good stewards with what He has given us. It teaches us that debt, in most cases, is not wise and that a prosperous life is not measured by what we have in the bank, but what is in our hearts. Read more.

Seven Deadly Sins of Finance

Though most are familiar with mortal sins against God and man, far too few people recognize that there are deadly sins in matters of personal finance. Veteran markets commentator and author, Peter Grandich, preaches the importance of avoiding these traps in their quest for financial independence. Read more.

Kids and Cash: What Every Parent Needs to Know to Raise a Financially-Healthy Child

You are the parent. From you, your children will learn a wealth of knowledge – everything from taking their first steps to knowing the difference between right and wrong. Yet, many parents do not know how to teach their children a skill that will benefit them their entire lives: money management.  When it comes to matters of money, think of it like any other basic skill that you teach your kids: like brushing their teeth, doing their homework or taking a vitamin. It is just as important. Read more.

Ivory Tower Residents Do Not Live In The Real World

The “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” crowd that makes up much of Wall Street (and the financial media tied to their hips) live in an “Ivory Tower” when it comes to the harsh economic, social and political realities most Americans reside in. Because of this, many investors are not receiving objective and realistic advice, and it will not be too long until it bites them where the sun does not shine. Read more.

Retirement and Aging Crisis Is Here, And Wall Street Fails Miserably In Sharing The Truth About It

For most of this millennium, I have been outspoken about the majority of American households living a lifestyle above what their finances truly can support. Increasing debt loads, and trying to keep up with the Joneses, have been a driving force to a retirement and aging crisis, one that nobody in the financial services industry will even discuss because it is bad for business. Read more.

We Are Going To Need A Bigger Boat

Having already urged the building of a financial Ark for five critical reasons, there are now at least five more that are going to require a bigger boat! Read more.

Self Storage: The Emblem of America’s Addiction to Stuff

I have long stated that one of the biggest maladies with the American economy is our obsession with stuff. We are spending and consuming way too much and living far beyond our means. There is no bigger and more obvious symbol of our overspending than this generation’s newest bounty industry: self-storage facilities. Read more.

The Battle Is Only Going To Get Worse

I am often asked about what is really happening economically, socially and politically. My answer from the heart is not appreciated by many, but the foundation to it is this belief. Read more.