Like many others getting closer and closer to age 70, I am having medical challenges both of mind and body. And while seeing doctors, taking medicine and the like can forestall the inevitable, I’ve come to learn my broken heart over the loss of my best friend, continues to be the hardest pain of all to deal with.

Bill Wegner, my “everything”, left to be with God without any notification. Here today, gone tomorrow, it was. While the shock of that sudden and tragic loss  will be 3 years ago on March 18th, the deeper acute loss still weighs on my daily life. This describes Bill to me.

Bill’s book is a must read “Dare To Be Holy”.

So while the daily life of a senior plays out, I yearn for days gone by not so to be younger again, but to be with the best friend a person could ever have.  Cherish the one you have while you still can!