- An absolute must read!
- National Debt on Track to Reach Record High in Just Four Years
- The market cap of the S&P 500’s top 5 stocks is now equal to the size of the bottom 407 stocks.
- The share of equities held by people who are at or near retirement age (55+) has climbed to about 80%, up from 60% two decades ago, according to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by Rosenberg Research. And Americans 70 and older now have an “astonishing” 30% share.
- THERE ARE IDIOTS: Seven pillars of market bubbles
- For the first time in the last 90 years, the 10-year rolling return on Treasury Bonds is negative
- The Rules Of Bob Farrell
- For many days in front of us, the “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” crowd, along with their major “Pumping” Headquarters at the so-called TV Financial Networks, will reach new heights of giddiness and complacency.
- The Market Cap of the largest 50 stocks relative to GDP is at 110%, the highest level in history, surpassing the peak of the Dot Com Bubble and the Global Financial Crisis
- Gold is making new highs in every currency and Gold stocks are the cheapest ever. This is your best opportunity since the turn in 2000.
- Why You Need to Worry About Incapacity Planning
- Whom Do You Trust to Make Your Financial Decisions?
- Whom Do You Trust to Make Your Medical Decisions?
Peace Be With You – Peter Grandich