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No puzzle is complete until all the pieces fit together. Despite huge gains in physical metals, rewarding returns on major producers, and even some smaller emerging growth plays in the mining sector rising, one piece to the puzzle continues to falter and cause egg on the faces of those of us who have championed them – junior resource stocks.

While legitimate excuses via Monday morning quarterbacking are plentiful, the question remains, are the juniors a good buy, or just good-bye?

My answer is as follows – Between today and December 31st, the final nail in the coffin to the worst junior resource bear market in my 4+ decades in and around the financial arena, should have come to an end. Come January 2nd, two things related to this should be apparent:

1 – A new dawn in this sector will have formed and 2025 should be a season of Green, versus Red for the sector.
2 – If you still own them, you’re a lifer like me.

With my lungs, the kitchen sink, and whatever my reputation is or isn’t at this point at risk, my bet on the metals and especially the junior resource sector – watch

Thanks to @peter_krauth for the above chart

Jeff Clark below, did a superb job in describing where we are in this sector. I fully concur with his findings.